Our services

We help companies, their management and their employees to resolve conflicts quickly and effectively, so that they can get back to concentrating on their core activities.

Ideally, we intervene as soon as possible when a tension, disagreement or conflict situation is affecting the performance of a company or team. However, we can intervene at any stage of the conflict, before or even during legal proceedings.



Mediation offers very high success rates

In voluntary mediation, the parties reach an agreement in over 70% of cases, even when the situation initially seemed insoluble.

Mediation is particularly effective when the parties:

  • Need a rapid solution, avoiding lengthy legal proceeding
  • Want to resolve a complex situation confidentially
  • Will continue to work together and wish to preserve their relationship (or reputation)
  • Have already tried to resolve their conflict situation without success
  • Want to keep the costs of the proceedings to a minimum
  • Want to find an agreement that suits them (rather than leaving the decision to a third party)
  • Need a lasting solution that they have voluntarily accepted
  • Want to end their relationship peacefully.

On the other hand, mediation is less appropriate when:

  • The parties prefer to let a third party decide for them (judge, arbitrator, etc.)
  • One of the parties has a strong interest in allowing the conflict to continue over time
  • One party is not prepared to enter into discussion with the other party
  • Coercive measures must be taken as a matter of urgency (seizure, for example).



We resolve conflicts between and within companies

Our mediators specialise in resolving disputes within companies and between companies.

Between companies

We can intervene, for example, in the event of difficulties or disputes :

  • between business partner
  • with a supplier
  • with customers
  • between a franchisor and its franchisees, between a producer/manufacturer and its distributor
  • between a general contractor and a subcontractor (in the construction industry)
  • relating to intellectual property (patents, copyright)
  • with competitors (unfair competition, trade secrets)


We intervene to resolve conflicts within the company, between individuals or groups of individuals:

Conflicts at management level:

  • between shareholders, partners, members of management / the Board of Directors
  • in family businesses: between partners, following succession or divorce
  • during company mergers and reorganisations

Conflicts involving staff:

  • between teams, between employees, with a line manager
  • alleged harassment or discrimination
  • redundancies
  • when a position is changed or reclassified
  • at the end of a career and the transfer of knowledge to a successor
  • when applying work regulations (e.g. wearing religious symbols)
  • in the event of disagreement over commission or bonuses
  • application of a non-competition clause

Collective disputes



Specific needs and priorities of companies

Selected from among the best and most experienced, our accredited mediators are specialised in resolving disputes in the business world.

This dual expertise, as experienced mediators who are also familiar with the requirements of businesses, guarantees you a quality service.

Contact us with a brief description of your dispute and we will recommend the most experienced mediators to suit your needs.

Simple and fast


Meeting schedule agreed by the parties

We receive requests for mediation from the parties, their counsel or the courts. We can start mediation quickly. In most cases, we conclude our mediations within a few meetings.

The steps in practice:

1.   Contact us and we will help you to determine in advance the most appropriate method of resolution for your conflict situation, free of charge.
2.   We will then send you a mediation proposal, including a list of mediators who can be called in, the locations where the mediation will take place and an estimate of the mediation costs. Mediation requires the agreement of both parties. You can propose mediation to the other party, or we can do it for you.
3.   The parties agree on a meeting schedule and venue with the help of the mediator.

The parties can prepare for mediation with their advisers (lawyers or technicians) and/or be accompanied by them at the mediation meetings. In this way, the parties can negotiate while being informed of their rights. Mediation lawyers work in a collaborative manner to help their clients find a solution that suits them.

The information exchanged during mediation is strictly confidential and cannot be used in legal proceedings if the mediation does not result in an agreement. Mediation suspends the time limitations on legal actions, so the parties do not lose any of their rights during the mediation.

Cost control


Thanks to the speed of mediation

The speed of mediation considerably reduces the cost of the procedure.

The mediators' fees are shared between the parties. They are based on an hourly rate determined by the mediator(s) before the mediation begins, depending on the complexity of the case and the number of parties.

Tailor-made solutions


Freely agreed by the parties, and therefore effective

Solutions freely agreed by the parties, with no losers.

Recourse to the courts is fraught with risks (length and cost of proceedings, damage to the relationship with the adversary, uncertain decision), whereas mediation enables a tailor-made, accepted and therefore effective solution to be found.

Mediation enables the parties to find solutions that comply with the law but are also broader and more constructive than a court decision. Mediation makes it possible to take into account not only past disagreements but also present or future opportunities.

The agreement signed by the parties following mediation is binding on them like a contract. In addition, the agreement reached thanks to an certified mediator acting in a facilitative mediation can be homologated by the court, to have the same status as a court decision.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a structured process aimed at reaching an amicable, tailor-made agreement through the intervention of an independent, neutral and impartial third party: the mediator. The mediator's role is not to ‘decide’, but to facilitate discussions with a view to reaching a solution that will be worked out by the parties themselves.

A growing practice

Mediation is increasingly seen as the best way of preventing or resolving disputes outside the courts, whether the parties are companies, institutions or individuals.

The advantages of mediation

Mediation offers a number of advantages:

  • free choice of mediator by the parties
  • speed of the process
  • low, controlled cost
  • confidentiality
  • tailor-made solution, created by the parties themselves
  • real appeasement of the parties at the end of the process
  • enforceability of the agreement